
Synthetic turf for Softball

Softball is sports specific and different than baseball

Mow pattern designs

Clay and grass feel

Eliminates mud and prevents rainout

Bunts, slaps and bounces plays – natural reaction

Designed with intent and manufactured with precision

Magnets/Velcro removable high traffic areas

Nylon – abrasive

Home field advantage – earlier in the season –

Clay / grass – customizable infill ratios – differentiated pile height


Using any synthetic turf eliminates mud and prevents rain-outs. But with the Diamond Series, bunts, slaps, and bounces play like they should. Customization is key in our softball installations and is achieved by specialized fibers, differentiated pile heights, and tunable infill ratios. Durability in the high use infield area is boosted by the use of nylon, giving softball clients a good return on their investment. The Diamond Series product lineup is available a la carte for each area of the softball field.

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